Mondays, September 20 to November 8
7:15 - 9:00 pm ET
Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Buddha provided a path of training to end suffering—the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the fourth of his Four Noble Truths. This comprehensive training in cultivating wisdom, living wisely and kindly, and developing the mind provides the conditions to abandon clinging and end suffering in this very life.
Our world today is very different from the one the Buddha lived and taught in, yet we are susceptible to suffering in the same way and have the potential, with practice, to develop the tools to free ourselves from suffering.
In this eight-week course, we will explore this core teaching of the Buddha and investigate through practice and reflection how this path can support us in living wisely and compassionately and finding freedom from suffering.
Each session will include periods of guided meditation, a talk on the teachings, and periods of sharing and Q&A. The class is geared towards those with an established meditation practice, but is open to newer practitioners and all who are committed to exploring the teachings in their own practice and life.